Scandinavian Yule Creatures and Two Little but Mighty Birds
Dear readers and listeners,
Christmas Eve is here and I hope you are looking forward to a lovely, fun-filled and joyous time (or a quiet, relaxing and comfort-filled time if that is your preference)! You will probably be busy with last-minute preparations, and end-of-year tasks. Remember to take some time for yourself amid the rush. You might even like to carve out space to read or listen to the last two episodes/articles for the Christmas season. Explore the fun and sometimes scary creatures of Scandinavian Yule celebrations then discover the importance of two little but mighty birds… the robin and the wren.
Much love to you all and Merry Christmas!
Episode 9 - Scandinavian Yule Creatures
The Yule Nisse/Tomte (Gnome)
Julbok - the Yule Goat
Yule Beasts - Grýla the Giant Troll, her sons the Yule Lads and Jólakötturinn the giant (and scary) Yule Cat
Episode 10 - The Robin and the Wren
Robin Redbreast
Robin Folklore
Australian Robins
Wren Folklore
The Wren Boys
Australian Wrens (Fairy Wrens)
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and the next Wheel & Cross episode, Episode 28 - New Year’s Eve Traditions, is scheduled for Thursday 26 December. This episode explores the folklore, superstitions and ancient Roman and Scottish roots of our modern New Year’s Eve celebrations. In the meantime…