Yes I used to see fairy wrens much more often, good to know they are doing well in Centennial Park. I have been told the problem around where I live is the large number of noisy miners, magpies, butcherbirds and kookas. Great bird sing in the morning but not a safe place for the wrens. Good luck with robin hunt!
My pleasure Sally, thanks for reading! Apparently there's a large colony of superb fairy wrens in Centennial Park and quite a few in the parks in Sydney's inner city. I really hope you get to see more, they're such lovely, happy birds! As for the robin, I've only seen the scarlet robin twice in my backyard, at the start of winter. I'm going to do more research to see how I can attract more.
Loved listening to all the poems and tales of the robin and the wren (many of which I recalled as you read them)! I think it was falling in love with robins when I was a very small child that has given me a love for birds right through my life. I remember putting out bacon rind in the snow (chopped into tiny pieces for them) and sitting by the window to watch them hop around...
That's lovely Cate! Have you seen Australia's scarlet robin around Canberra? I have only a couple of times out here. It always gives me a thrill when I see one. I plan on including plants and bird houses in the backyard, when I finally get to that stage... so much on that list of things to do!
Not in Canberra but when I was living out at Burra... not every season, though. Maybe once every couple of years I would spot one flitting around the garden. We had the blue fairy wrens, though. Loved them so much. Feisty little warriors of birds!
Oh I do love the fairy-wrens! We also get the tiny and very chatty thornbills. I thought I'd discovered a new species of pardalotte for a while but eventually figured out that they were European Goldfinches, they visit every summer. Disappointed that they aren't native but they are very pretty.
Yes I used to see fairy wrens much more often, good to know they are doing well in Centennial Park. I have been told the problem around where I live is the large number of noisy miners, magpies, butcherbirds and kookas. Great bird sing in the morning but not a safe place for the wrens. Good luck with robin hunt!
That makes sense. I hope have luck too with fairy wrens!
Sadly in inner city Sydney we have few sightings of wrens or robins. Thank you for this rich Yule offering 🙏
My pleasure Sally, thanks for reading! Apparently there's a large colony of superb fairy wrens in Centennial Park and quite a few in the parks in Sydney's inner city. I really hope you get to see more, they're such lovely, happy birds! As for the robin, I've only seen the scarlet robin twice in my backyard, at the start of winter. I'm going to do more research to see how I can attract more.
Loved listening to all the poems and tales of the robin and the wren (many of which I recalled as you read them)! I think it was falling in love with robins when I was a very small child that has given me a love for birds right through my life. I remember putting out bacon rind in the snow (chopped into tiny pieces for them) and sitting by the window to watch them hop around...
That's lovely Cate! Have you seen Australia's scarlet robin around Canberra? I have only a couple of times out here. It always gives me a thrill when I see one. I plan on including plants and bird houses in the backyard, when I finally get to that stage... so much on that list of things to do!
Not in Canberra but when I was living out at Burra... not every season, though. Maybe once every couple of years I would spot one flitting around the garden. We had the blue fairy wrens, though. Loved them so much. Feisty little warriors of birds!
Oh I do love the fairy-wrens! We also get the tiny and very chatty thornbills. I thought I'd discovered a new species of pardalotte for a while but eventually figured out that they were European Goldfinches, they visit every summer. Disappointed that they aren't native but they are very pretty.